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Patient has severe acne scarring. A treatment plan was developed for patient.

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Patient had acne scarring she wanted to have treated. With all of our treatments we start patients on ZO Skincare, with this case she was put on an HQ program for 4 weeks. Preparing her skin before the procedures helped with recovery and optimized the effectiveness of the treatment. To help diminish the acne scarring SkinPen treatment, followed by IPL to help with pigmentation. Patient had amazing results.

SkinPen combined with IPL



SkinPen and IPL Treatment

Patient struggled with acne scarring, she had tried several treatments before coming to Lazerdoc. Our first essential step in all procedures is achieving healthy skin with our medical grade ZO Skin Health Protocols. Patient committed  four to six weeks to our plan. Combining SkinPen with IPL and ZO Skincare, we were able to address the acne scarring, pigmentation and overall skin health. The treatment was a success giving the patient a soft, smooth and even tone complexion.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.