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Bodytite Full Abdomen Female

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Patient received upper and lower BodyTIte with liposuction. This was followed by 3 Morpheus8 treatments 3 weeks apart from each other. 6 Evolve treatments each week for 6 weeks.

BodyTite Full Abdomen - Front



BodyTite Full Abdomen - Side



Upper and Lower BodyTite

Dr. Waage performed a BodyTite of a full abdomen on a patient who had residual visceral fat from having kids. She followed the treatment plan the Dr. Waage created tailored specifically for her. This was 3 Morpheus 8 treatments spaced 3 weeks apart from each other. Followed by 6 Evolve treatments that were once weekly for 6 weeks. 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.